Shooting sports with the Fujifilm 200mm

2019-04-22T10:51:38+00:00 21. April 2019|Categories: Sports|

Shooting sports with the Fujifilm 200mm

By photographer Kim Matthäi Leland,

In this blog post, I’ll tell about my experiences using Fujifilm’s new 200mm telephoto lens for action sports, and I’ll compare it to other Fujifilm telephoto lenses, more specifically the 50-140 and the 100-400.

I am a professional freelance photographer based in Copenhagen, Denmark. I shoot […]

Roskilde Festival 2016 – shooting concerts and atmosphere

2017-02-12T19:01:00+00:00 24. January 2017|Categories: Concerts, Photojournalism|

Roskilde Festival 2016 – shooting concerts and atmosphere

By photographer Kim Matthäi Leland

Roskilde Festival is the largest music festival in Northern Europe. With more than 180 concerts and some 130 000 people attending every year, it’s an endless source of great photo opportunities.

I had been to Roskilde Festival before as an accredited photographer, working for […]

Shooting professional action sports with the Fuji X system

2018-05-26T08:27:41+00:00 7. September 2016|Categories: Sports|

Shooting professional action sports with the Fuji X system

By photographer Kim Matthäi Leland

With the X-Pro2 (and the soon-to-be-released X-T2), the autofocus of Fujifilm cameras is finally fast enough for shooting sports professionally.

I shoot quite a bit of sports, especially football / soccer. Mostly matches in the primary Danish league (ALKA Superligaen) and also Champions League […]

Shooting concerts with the Fujifilm X series – what’s in my bag?

2017-02-12T19:01:01+00:00 8. August 2016|Categories: Concerts|Tags: , |

Shooting concerts with the Fujifilm X series – what’s in my bag?

By photographer Kim Matthäi Leland

I shoot concerts – from upcoming bands at small venues to internationally known artists at large music festivals. My work has been published widely in Danish and international media and in a few books.

In this blog post, I’ll talk […]

Fujifilm X-Pro2 – finally a mirrorless camera that can shoot action sports

2017-02-12T19:01:01+00:00 6. March 2016|Categories: Sports|

By photographer Kim Matthäi Leland

I took my new Fujifilm X-Pro2 to a soccer/football game today to test how it would perform for action sports photography.

The short version: If you only occasionally shoot sports, the X-Pro2, might be good enough for you, but a dedicated sports shooter will probably still opt for a high end DSLR.
